Poll: National will be back in Government if Chinese voters had their way
By: Lincoln Tan
Lincoln Tan is the New Zealand Herald’s diversity, ethnic affairs and immigration senior reporter.
lincoln.tan@nzherald.co.nz @LincolnTanNZH
National would easily be able to govern alone without the need of any support parties if Chinese voters in New Zealand had their way, a new poll has found.
The WTV-Trace Research Chinese Poll found 71.1 per cent of ethnic Chinese will vote for National if the election was held tomorrow, a 2.4 percentage point drop from its previous poll.
This is at odds with some other mainstream polls which are putting Labour ahead of National.
Labour was up 5.8 to 21.6 per cent, while both NZ First and Act were down to 2.4 and 2.0 per cent respectively.