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New Zealand Asian/Chinese Research Panel

No.1 Asian/Chinese Consumer Insights in New Zealand

新西兰华裔调查研究数据库由Andrew Zhu博士建立于2016年,旨在依据具有科学性的调研数据结果量化华裔在新西兰的各方面意愿和需求,并反馈给社区,政府,企业和英文媒体。Andrew Zhu博士为TV3 Newshub的新西兰政治民调提供样本设计和数据分析长达10年,其2017, 2020的新西兰大选结果预测被新西兰各主流媒体公认为最准确的。Trace Research也在2017年推出了首次新西兰华裔的大选民调,填补了新西兰华裔政治意向无数据支持的空白并得到新西兰英文媒体的广泛报道和社会的关注。在2024年,数据库开始扩充更广泛的亚裔成员,并发布了多个新西兰亚裔调研结果。


作为一个有社会责任感的专业调研机构,凡完成我们的商业调查问卷的参与者,Trace Research 都会代表您向新西兰青少年文艺慈善机构 National Youth Theatre 基金会定期进行慈善捐赠,聚少成多,您的参与即是对新西兰社会公益的回馈。


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Thanks for submitting!

新西兰亚裔/华裔移民调查研究项目 2024

NZ Asian/Chinese Research Projects 2024

New Zealand Asian Gambling Behaviour Research 2024 update - Coming soon...

新西兰亚裔/华裔移民调查研究项目 2023

NZ Asian/Chinese Research Projects 2023

New Zealand Asian -  Alcohol and Drug Use Survey 2023

 新西兰亚裔 - 酒精和毒品及管控药物认知调查研究 2023

调研结果已在Asian Family Service 和 New Zealand Drug Foundation官网发布

Understanding alcohol and drug use among New Zealand Asian Communities - Trace
Perception of Alcohol and Drug Use among NZ Asians_Final.png
Drug 1.png

NZ General Election - Chinese Constituents Opinion Poll 2023 (Wave 2)

新西兰大选 - 华裔选民民意调查 2023 (第2轮)

Trace Research - 2023 NZ Chinese Constituents Opinion Poll (September) Chinese Political Poll NZ 新西兰华裔大选民调
Trace Research - 2023 NZ Chinese Constituents Opinion Poll (September) Chinese Political Poll NZ 新西兰华裔大选民调
Trace Research - 2023 NZ Chinese Constituents Opinion Poll (September) Chinese Political Poll NZ 新西兰华裔大选民调
Chinese Kiwi NZ Chinesse Political Poll Dr Andrew Zhu Trace Research Carla Teng

NZ General Election - Chinese Constituents Opinion Poll 2023 (Wave 1)

新西兰大选 - 华裔选民民意调查 2023 (第1轮)

A comprehensive report is accessible for academic and media inquiries at the following email address:

Trace Research - 2023 NZ Chinese Constituents Opinion Poll (September) Chinese Political Poll NZ 新西兰华裔大选民调
RNZ Chinese.png
RNZ English.png

新西兰华裔移民调查研究项目 2022

NZ Chinese Research Projects 2022

New Zealand Asian Responsible Online Gambling Survey 2022

新西兰亚裔理性网络博彩调查研究 2022

NZ Asian Research; Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调
NZ Asian Research; Chinese Research; Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调
Asian Online Gambling Harm.png
Screenshot 2023-08-14 171329.png
Trace Research - Asian Gambling Research - RNZ.png

新西兰华裔移民调查研究项目 2021

NZ Chinese Research Projects 2021

New Zealand Chinese - Postpartum Depression Survey 2021

新西兰华裔 - 产后抑郁认知调查研究 2021

New Zealand Chinese Post-COVID19 International Travel Survey 2021

新西兰华裔COVID19疫情后国际旅行展望调查研究 2021

New Zealand Asian Responsible Gambling Survey 2021

新西兰亚裔理性博彩调查研究 2021

New Zealand Asian Wellbeing and Mental Health Survey 2021

新西兰亚裔幸福指数及精神健康调查研究 2021

Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调

新西兰华裔调查研究项目 2020

NZ Chinese Research Projects 2020

Risk Perception of COVID19 Among Asian New Zealanders 2020

新西兰亚裔社区对“新冠病毒COVID-19的风险认知及反应”调查研究 2020


Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调

NZ General Election - Chinese Constituents Opinion Poll (October)2020

新西兰大选 - 华裔选民民意调查 2020

Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调; NZ Chinese Political Poll
Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调; NZ Chinese Political Poll

NZ General Election - Chinese Constituents Opinion Poll (August)2020

新西兰大选 - 华裔选民民意调查 2020

Research Objectives

# To encourage Chinese constituents to care about their democratic rights and engage them with the upcoming 2020 General Election;

# To help Chinese perceptions be better understood by wider communities in New Zealand;

# To provide tracking of statistical information on the Chinese community’s political opinions, which may help the government, political parties, and politicians in their future policy deliberations;

# To help the Chinese community express their concerns on different social issues in New Zealand and their views on the two referendums.

Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调; NZ Chinese Political Poll
Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调; NZ Chinese Political Poll


# The poll was independently conducted between 3rd and 16th of August 2020 by Trace Research Ltd;

# The results are predominantly based on an online survey distributed to Chinese New Zealand residents through Trace Research’s Chinese Panel (email invitations - randomly selected from the panel), with additional social media platforms used to boost sample in the hard to reach younger segment (18-25 years old);

# The poll received a total of 1,446 responses (1,364 were eligible Chinese voters whilst 82 responses did not meet the criteria for this study, for example, IP addresses that did not belong to NZ, incomplete answers, and abnormal responses, etc.);

# The final results of this poll are based on a sample of 1,364 Chinese New Zealanders who are eligible to vote in the New Zealand 2020 General Election (all respondents are 18+ years old, 45.4% of whom are male and 54.6% female);

# All respondents are ethnic Chinese, including Chinese from New Zealand (born in NZ), Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia;

# All accurate polls rely on statistical adjustment called "weighting" to make sure that samples align with the broader population on key characteristics. Therefore, to ensure the results are representative and reliable, demographic weighting (e.g. age, gender, and location) has been applied using the 2018 NZ Census statistics for the distribution of the Chinese population. The margin of error is +/-2.64% at the 95% confidence level.

New Zealand Chinese Immigrants Retail Banking Survey 2020

新西兰华裔移民零售银行调查研究 2020

Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调; NZ Chinese Political Poll

New Zealand Asian Mental Health & Wellbeing Survey 2020

新西兰亚裔心理健康调查研究 2020


Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调; NZ Chinese Political Poll

New Zealand Chinese Spending Behaviour Survey 2020

新西兰华裔消费行为调查研究 2020

Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调; NZ Chinese Political Poll

Impact of COVID19 on New Zealand Chinese Businesses Survey 2020

新西兰华裔企业新冠病毒疫情影响调查 2020

公益性质社会调研 - Andrew Zhu 博士 (Trace) & James Sun 教授 (UOA)

Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调; NZ Chinese Political Poll

新西兰华裔调查研究项目 2019

NZ Chinese Research Projects 2019

Trace Research & Reid Research - Botany Electorate Chinese Political Poll 2019

Botany选区华裔政治民调 2019

 Trace Research & Ipsos - Auckland Chinese Immigrants Radio Listenership Survey 2019

奥克兰华裔广播听众调研 2019

New Zealand Chinese Immigrants Air Passenger Survey 2018

新西兰华裔航空旅客调查 2018

New Zealand Chinese Immigrants Cross-Border E-Business & Micro-Business Survey 2018

新西兰华裔跨境电商 & 微商调查 2018

New Zealand Chinese Immigrants Domestic Travel Survey 2018

新西兰华裔境内旅游调查 2018 

The University of Auckland Chinese Immigrants Life & Work Survey 2017

奥克兰大学华裔移民生活与工作调查 2017

New Zealand Chinese Immigrants Insurance Market Overview 2017

新西兰华裔保险产品拥有率一览 2017

WTV-Trace Chinese Political Poll Aug 2017

新西兰华裔政治民调 2017年8月

Infographic Summary

Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调; NZ Chinese Political Poll

A letter from Associate Professor Richard Brookes to the editor at New Zealand Herald.

"Labour MP Raymond Huo’s personal criticism of the recent WTV-Trace Research online poll of Chinese voters is unfounded. As a colleague of Dr Andrew Zhu, I am familiar with the poll and results, and can attest to his integrity and professionalism in the way the survey was conducted, how the results were weighted for representativeness purposes, and how they were also analyzed and reported. I therefore believe the findings are a fair assessment of the current political views and voting intentions of eligible Chinese New Zealand voters. Rather that trying to ‘shoot the messenger’, I suggest that Mr Huo should instead try to listen to the messages coming from these voters, and as reported in the recent survey."

"I believe that Mr Huo can be accused of trying to discredit this work via innuendo, and without providing any evidence, for example, when he claims: 'Allegations have been made that this poll either does not comply with the Research Association of New Zealand's political polling code or if it does, may not be robust enough to prevent it from some systemic abuse.' 

"I also believe that a reason why Mr Huo may have tried to discredit this work is that the research does portray the 'voice' of Chinese New Zealand voters, and that voice, if turned into a high voter turnout, could have a telling impact on the final elections results, especially in Auckland. That's a strength of our MMP democratic voting system, and I hope that all Chinese New Zealand voters feel confident enough to demonstrate this."

Richard Brookes is an Associate Professor of Marketing at The University of Auckland Business School, and for several years has chaired the judging panel of the Research Association’s Bi-annual Research Awards."  


  • 鼓励华裔选民关心自己的民主权益并参与到2017年大选投票中;
  • 帮助新西兰非华裔民众更好的了解华裔族群对政治和社会关注话题的看法;
  • 提供统计数据以反映华裔社区的政治意见,为政府、各政党以及政治人物提供对未来的政策发展所需的参考依据;
  • 帮助华裔社区表达对于新西兰所出现的社会问题的诉求。


  • 新西兰电信及家用宽带市场调研数字显示截至到2016年11月 (Trace Research Ltd, 2016),25%的新西兰居民和 31%的新西兰华裔已经很难通过固定电话取得联系,因此仅使用固定家庭电话随机抽样的调研的代表性表现出越来越大的局限性;
  • 根据Trace Research Ltd的最新电信研究报告 (2017新西兰宽带以及视频浏览调查报告), 华裔族群在新西兰拥有家用宽带以及3G/4G流量手机中所占份额最高 (超过95%), 因此网络民意调查是达到受调目标人群最有效的方法;
  • 2017年第二轮华裔民意调查的数据收集是由Trace Research Ltd于2017年8月22日至8月28日进行的;
  • 调研结果是基于Trace Research Ltd 的新西兰华裔调查数据库(分层配额-电子邮件邀请)以及新西兰中华电视网WTV的观众微信群(一个华人的即时通讯服务软件)发布的网络问卷。问卷链接同时也提供在Trace Research Ltd 以及新西兰中华电视网WTV的官方网站和微信公共账号(新西兰936全资讯)。新西兰中华电视网WTV Group拥有新西兰华裔观众中最高的收视/听率 (18岁以上占70%,); 即时通讯服务软件的功能不同于社交的功能在于每个回复都是独立的而不被寻常社交软件的他人留言所影响;
  • 2017年第二轮华裔民调共收集到1,580 份反馈,其中包括1,300名拥有选举权的华裔群群众,200名无选举权的华裔群众,另外还有80名不符合样本要求的答复(例如,IP地址范围不属于新西兰境内的答复,没有完整回答问卷的答复, IP地址重复的答复,以及非正常答复 - 使用不文明语言等);
  • 样本中包含的200名额外的目前没有选举资格的华裔被访者 (28%拥有永久居留权一年以下, 31.5%为工作签证持有者, 35%为学生签证持有者, 2.5%为旅游签证持有者, 3%其它签证持有者) 仅参加了关于新西兰社会问题的调研, 这些人的数据不包含在第二次华裔民意分析报告中。80名不符合要求的样本也被排除在外,不包含在第二次华裔民意分析报告中;
  • 2017年第二轮华裔民意调查的结果仅基于1,300名具有2017年大选投票资格的新西兰华裔人群 (所有被访者都为18岁以上, 其中46%为男性和54%为女性);
  • 为了确保调研结果的代表性, 新西兰华裔公民以及永久居民的样本人口结构 (如年龄, 性别和地域) 已根据《2013年新西兰人口普查》中的华裔数据结果进行了比重调配。误差范围为2.7%, 置信度为95%;
  • 所有被访者均为华裔, 包括来自新西兰(出生),中国大陆、香港、台湾、新加坡,马来西亚,越南等地的华裔;
  • Trace Research Ltd 是新西兰研究协会的成员公司,此民调严格遵循了新西兰研究协会在2014年颁布的《新西兰政治民意调查规则》。

WTV-Trace Chinese Political Poll April-May 2017

新西兰华裔政治民调 2017年4-5月

Infographic Summary

Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调; NZ Chinese Political Poll

Image Source: Data - WTV-Trace Chinese Poll 2017; Image - The New Zealand Herald Epaper & Herald Graphics

Content Source:The New Zealand Herald, Lincoln Tan

Dr Jian Yang said he was pleased to see strong support from the Chinese community.

"We work hard to ensure Chinese people have a voice in National, and we're constantly focused on the issues that matter to them," said Yang.

"We never take the Chinese community's support for granted...for me, every year is an election year."

National's Chinese MP Jian Yang said the Government was "very focused" on both public safety and housing.

"We have committed over $500 million in this budget to increase the numbers of police staff by 10 per cent, or 1125 people," he said.

"With regards to housing, we are intervening in the market, with demand measures like the bright-line test and LVRs, and supply measures like the Housing Infrastructure Fund, special housing areas, Government building programmes and requirements on councils to make land available for housing."

Yang said these measures had already resulted in big increases in housing construction, and house prices in Auckland being flat to falling over the last eight months.

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters believed a growing number of Chinese voters were connecting with its party policies.

"They see the need for a common-sense approach to issues," Peters said.

"It's in the Chinese character to understand long term planning, and oppose the consequences of shortsighted quick fixes."

Peters said many Chinese immigrants came from successful economies like China, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong, or were familiar with them.

"They are beginning to note the similarity of NZ First's policies with those economies," he said.

"Their voting demographic is changing and they can recognise puffery and propaganda more quickly than most."

Labour's Raymond Huo said the poll showed many Kiwi Chinese voters placed "high value on incumbency".

"Many Kiwi Chinese who are from non-parliamentary backgrounds may not perceive political issues in the same way as other New Zealanders because their ideas of incumbency are culturally entrenched," Huo said.

"Our focus will be to present Labour policy in the most effective way and to encourage Kiwi Chinese people to participate in the nation building process as New Zealand residents and citizens."

Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调; NZ Chinese Political Poll


来源:936中华网 罗凯聪 2017-5-12 17:41

WTV-Trace Research华裔民调今天最后一天公布民调结果,了解了华裔对于居住在新西兰的融入度,以及对于全国各城市近年房价快速增长的意见。


专门研究新西兰移民情况的梅西大学社会学教授Paul Spoonley总评了这次WTV的华裔民调。“很多华裔选民在特定议题上都很保守,例如治安问题,他们要求政府在罪案上施以更严厉措施,因此国家党明显成为了他们要求处理治安的对象,所以自然会支持该党。”




华裔女性最爱Bill English?!

来源:936中华网 Abby Wang 2017-5-9 16:38

WTV 与独立调研机构 Trace 展开的新西兰首次华裔民调针对最受欢迎总理、受欢迎华裔政治代表人物等展开调查。专家分析表示:基于超过千人的数据来源,一系列调查结果可以成为各政党的有力参考。

WTV-Trace 民调结果显示,当前最受欢迎的总理人选是 Bill English,支持率45.7%;反对党工党党魁 Andrew Little 支持率为8.6%。投票性别中支持国家党和 Bill English 的女性占大多数。与国际上女性通常倾向于支持工党不同,专家分析,新西兰华裔女性在政党支持倾向上,可能有很大的因素都在于考虑其领导人的可信赖程度。

虽然在民调中,优先党以及其党魁 Winston Peters 均得到了排名仅次于国家党以及工党两大政党之后的位置,但专家也指出,与新西兰其他的民调数据相对比,其实优先党以及 Winston Peters 在华裔群体中赢得的支持比例并不算高。

民调中优先党和绿党分别排名第四和第五。谈及绿党得到的2%支持率,奥克兰大学教授 Richard Brookes 笑言:看来绿党的政策并没有在华人群体中有多大的影响。

Brookes 教授表示,此次的民调分析样本为1250份,超过千份的样本数据来源使得此次民调得出的结论也较为可信,且基于华人对政治事务较高的关注度和参与度,他表示非常建议各个政党参考该民调结果。


New Zealand Asian Leaders Member Survey 2017

新西兰亚裔领袖组织成员调研 2017

Infographic Summary

Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调; NZ Chinese Political Poll; NZ Asian Poll; 新西兰亚裔民调

New Zealand Chinese Immigrants Public Safety Perception Poll 2016

新西兰华裔公共安全感民意调查 2016

In August 2016, Dr Zhu was motivated by the safety concerns among the Chinese community in NZ, and conducted the ground-breaking social polling among 11,675 Chinese, which was the first large scale social polling conducted among Chinese in NZ. The results attracted public attention and reported by mainstream media domestically and internationally, which impacted on government’s policy making.

Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调; NZ Chinese Political Poll

Image Source: Trace Research; The University of Auckland; New Zealand Herald;

Dr Andrew Zhu; Chinese Research NZ; NZ Chinese Research; Chinese Retirement Village; 新西兰华裔民调

NZ Chinese - Retirement Living Plan Survey 2022

 新西兰华裔 - 退休生活及长者养老计划调查研究 2022

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